An ongoing story has emerged regarding Tyreek Smith’s potential departure from the Memphis Basketball program. Originally reported by Hitmen Hoops, Smith has informed head coach Penny...
Over recent seasons, Memphis has lacked a freshman who could make a significant impact on the court. However, if last night was any indication, things may...
Tomorrow, Memphis will host the inaugural St. Jude Classic, an event dedicated to supporting the local children’s research hospital. With 100% of the proceeds going to...
This Friday, the Memphis Men’s and Women’s basketball programs are hosting the Blue and Grey Showcase. Over the past couple of years, the programs have experimented...
After a season of highs and some catastrophic lows, Penny Hardaway is going back to his roots as a head coach by recruiting a defensive-minded team,...
I’ve spent the last two weeks as a practice player preparing the Lady Tigers basketball team for a grueling season. The team has a tough schedule...
Although it hasn’t made the NCAA tournament since 1998, Memphis’ women’s basketball team is building. Having had the privilege to attend a couple of workouts/scrimmages as...